At Riverbanks College B-12, we are committed to ensuring a positive start for all our students and ensuring the continuity of learning. Our remote learning model will provide access to learning resources and enable effective communication between teachers, students and families.
Remote Learning – a mix of learning materials will be used, supported by increasing online delivery, primarily via Microsoft Teams and SeeSaw
Routine and certainty are essential for the continuity of learning. We need to continue to work together as a community to ensure students stay connected and engaged with their learning.
All students will receive a ‘student learning’ pack that will be delivered to mailboxes on Tuesday 1 February. The student pack will contain information about how to set up Microsoft Teams and SeeSaw as well as learning materials. Set up information for Microsoft Teams and SeeSaw will be available on our website from Tuesday 1 February.
How we will communicate with families?
Our teachers will use the Seesaw app during the first 2 weeks of school to communicate with families regarding the learning program and logistics information. Families and carers can notify our staff regarding student concerns, absence, and student wellbeing.
How will students access learning from home?
Our teachers will deliver learning using Microsoft Teams. Teachers will use a combination of video conferencing and streaming to deliver explicit instruction to complement learning resources found in the student learning pack.
Students will be required to join their teacher online for 3×30 minute sessions per day for explicit teaching and instruction and then work independently throughout the day. Online times are outlined in the student timetable found in the student learning pack or on SeeSaw. Students can use the Microsoft Teams chat function to message the teacher throughout the day for assistance or asking of questions.